- Become a Doctor- I still am working out what kind of doctor I to be, but I know that it will happen before I die.
- Buy a House- Its the American dream after all. Plus, it would be nice being able to not have to move or rely on someone else.
- Visit all 50 states- I already have seen a fair few of them!
- Visit Paris, France- Not texas.
- Visit Rome & Florence, Italy- In one trip :]
- Visit Victoria & Vancouver, Canada- I have heard amazing things
- Visit Ireland & the U.K.- I would love to see where my ancestors come from
- See little L graduate college- Actually I am excited to just see her graduate high school
- Go on a Sister Cruise- My amazing sister and I will do this and hopefully soon.
This is a short list and there are a million other things I hope to see happen but so far these are the ones that I am looking forward to most.
~Lisa Ann